
Ismael Ismael Quesada is a small family business specialized in the commercialization of chemical products with a business history that dates back to 1960.

This sustainability report summarizes the path travelled in 2023, a year that is somewhat symbolic and reaffirms the need for action. We have crossed the halfway point of the path marked out in 2015 for the 2030 Agenda and in its annual report,

Additionally, we have been recognized by the Generalitat Valenciana as a Socially Responsible Valencian Entity, a distinction that is an incentive for us that confirms that we are moving in the right direction.

Cristina Quesada,
General Manager.

About this report

This report document is aimed at Ismael Quesada’s stakeholders and offers an accurate and balanced picture of the company’s impacts and the actions that derive from their correct address.

The company’s performance throughout 2023 in the economic, social, environmental and corporate governance areas is described exhaustively and with a diachronic perspective. The actions carried out in these areas embody the company’s responsible commitment and the solidity of its values.










Important issues for Ismael Quesada

Although there are many aspects of sustainability related to the management of any organization, not all of them have the same relevance. The magnitude of the impacts (both in positive and negative terms) and their consideration, both for the company and for its stakeholders, determine the need to address a process of identification and prioritization of these issues.

Sustainability shared with Stakeholders

Both within the company and externally, business activities have an impact on certain stakeholders. Ismael Quesada is aware of the legitimate expectations that the different stakeholders place on the company and strives to maintain a loyal and sincere dialogue with each of them to offer an appropriate response to each circumstance.

The economic value generated & distributed by Ismael Quesada

Ismael Quesada’s business activity is focused on the commercial activity of chemical products and raw materials, which come from an international (Taiwan, China, South Korea, India, Italy) and national supply chain and which is aimed at covering the needs of the rubber mixtures or products manufacturing industry. It is, therefore, a specialized activity that focuses on business customers.

Governance & Organizational Structure

Ismael Quesada is a family business with a modest organizational structure but capable of responding to the demands of advanced management, a well-established business culture and demanding ethical principles. To this end, it has the necessary tools that offer transparency, dialogue with stakeholders and open governance.

Business Ethics & Corporate Values

Ismael Quesada remains faithful to a set of corporate values that have accompanied the company throughout its long history of more than sixty years in the market. These values emanate from the company’s management and permeate through its human team until they permeate all corporate activity. Total quality, integrity and honesty are those pillars that guide the company’s performance.

People at the centre

As a family business, with a long history and firm values, Ismael Quesada is aware of the mutual commitment shared by the team of people who carry out their professional activity in the company. They are the essential asset of the organization and share and represent its history and present. The current configuration of the workforce comes from an organic development, forged from relationships of trust and respect and from long-term careers, in which professional growth has accompanied the passage of time, with a firm commitment to training and qualification.

Positive and upward social impact.

The ways in which the company positively impacts the social environment and the community are diverse, and Ismael Quesada strives to make that footprint deeper and deeper, and the shared value to grow and be transformative.


Respect and care for the planet.

The main challenges on a planetary scale have to do with the need to adopt development patterns that do not compromise natural balances or deplete the resources offered by ecosystems. Ismael Quesada’s track record in managing its environmental impacts is extensive, and it is becoming more solid and ambitious.

Curbing climate change.

The challenge of reaching Net Zero by 2030, taken up two years ago, remains active and progressing according to the planned roadmap. Contributing to achieving the decarbonisation of the economy is a global purpose, but Ismael Quesada wants to be an active part of the change and take on the challenge first-hand. Maintaining the health of ecosystems and preserving nature’s ability to continue providing resources and well-being require an effort on the part of everyone.

Contribution to the SDGs.

Ismael Quesada’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals is expressed according to this scheme:

GRI content index

Statement of Use: Ismael Quesada has submitted the information cited in this GRI content index for the period 2023 with reference to the GRI 2021 Standards.